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  • Saturday, April 30, 2005

    A poor cat awakens a poor tragedy!

    Last night, on the way to the finance-control class, I met a cat hit by a car lying in the middle of the road. It's a black cute cat, but it seemed that it can't move its back legs both. Fortunately, a good guy came and took it to a safer place beside the road. I was in such a rush for the class and I told myself I will took it to the hospital if it was still at the same place after my class dismiss. In the end, I couldn't find it. A critical feeling knocked me on my head saying that I've already missed something. Maybe the poor cat was dead or recovered in a few minutes and walk away or anything except an assurance of its being safe and sound.

    Friday, April 29, 2005

    The Future is Going To Be Shining next 6F-3'door

    The renting my new house has finally been done. If it goes right as we thought before, 圓圓(XXX),臺晏(Kxv)and I are going to share one room in -4. XXX......I'm sorry for you that it turned out to let us to force you to live with Kxv and me.
    The host of the house is really kind of mean that we only bargain 5000NTD a month for an apartment with 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 living room, excluding an air conditioner he originally promised, which made us a little upset.


    Thursday, April 28, 2005

    A mission finally done!

    The prepare work was finally done until today. Booking a fight, sending 900+35 USD, filled in the application sheet and so on could be a stressful job for me to take before my real hard job in Boston 2 months later. Dad is really my Dad that I feel much supporting power which stemmed from him has made me conquer lots of blocks bothering me. I almost cried when you told me that I don't have to worry about anything and you will take care of everything. Thank you!!!! I love you!!!(I am so shy that I dare say it here.)
    The task of renting my room has ultimately come to an excellent end. The host invited us to the agent's place for a further contract. Tomorrow is the day. I really hope that we can have a nice price and more furniture and mostly, have our rent start in June. God bless us!!!

    Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    No one has right to look down on anyone!



    Saturday, April 23, 2005

    Happy Birthday to justchild~沛原!!

    Today is 沛原's birthday, as his friends , we went to Holiday KTV for celebration. There were so many people coming there,which mean that he's really very popular. Actually, that's exactly match what I've thought, a seccessful man having good relationship with everyone he known.
    It's a lot of fun there, 14 people, including some 沛原's friends I didn't know, singing happyly and loudly that almost took my sound.

    Monday, April 18, 2005

    Ultimately Seems to Be An End and A New start!

    Some say that after breaking up with someone is definitely going to turn a new leaf. That's exactly how I felt today and so did my ex-girlfriend.
    It's really an end of a sweet and harsh time and a start of a new life. Maybe sometimes we just have to have a new look into ourselves.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2005


    The midterm is around the corner.
    Lots of papers are waiting for my terminatng them.
    And I have to join the training before I take the job.

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    Now I eventually know!!

    Not until today do I know how Blogger works.
    It is really a great and playful stuff for me.
    Thanks for the ones who created this.^-^
    You're all angels!