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  • Wednesday, January 18, 2006




    Friday, January 13, 2006

    Multi-CHOICE.....hard one

    Where to go? Kevin? Why can the whole world become so wild that seems to be everything existing but beside my side? One more semester and I am a freshman in the society of chaos. To joining part of the circle of cram school, to go on and study or to grab the vacancy of the teacher. By choosing which one could I be on the right way toward success?
    I know Daniel is waiting for me and of course it's an easy-get job. But the more easier I can get it, the more I feel unsure about what my aim is. My family needs money for sure, and that confuses me the most.
    After the next week, I am going to do my first task the school committed to me. Loving it or not takes time to test.

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    week #16..It's final count down....

    從美國打工回來一轉眼就過了3個月...天哪!!!日子過得很快,大四上快結束了~我人生中唯一一次的大四上,上大學後最忙的一學期,再兩個禮拜結束了,但沒完成那成堆的報告就不算結束,是真的,成堆的報告堆滿我的記事本,每天每天都有不同的討論、報告..........How I miss the work in USA. There are work and days off over there. But I know what I actually need for my future.
    生活在這時代真是很不容易的一件事,每個人要挑戰的是自己,是否要繼續走下去的動力。再過沒幾年,就將成為社會新鮮人了,似乎還沒做好準備...keep on going, man!!