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  • Thursday, March 23, 2006


    School的工作其實不難,我的工作算是儲備人員,開始學習帶小孩子,學習在他們之中建立權威。天天下4點到達,接下只剩2名小孩的安親班,然後,4點20分到2F吃點心,4點半,美小3,4年級來了,一群感覺餓很多天的小孩來了,每次忙得我一直把食物放到他們的碗裡,頭也一直低低的,剛吃完第一次馬上來吃第二次,等到我可以把頭抬起來時,孩子們不是吃完走人,就是快吃完了,留下地上一些些三不管地帶的渣渣、屑屑,太可惡了。要叫誰整理呢.......只能怪自己手腳不夠利落,沒辦法一邊忙一邊監督。然後,是可愛的美小1,2年級,人比較少,比較好控制,可以要求他們先說"May I have some snack,please!","May I have some drink,please!",才給食物和飲料。還有時間提醒他們把桌子和地板整理乾淨,這兩班帶起來就比較有成就感。
    吃完點心了,一些小孩子會留在2F等家長,這時我就要管理秩序,最喜歡他們要求我看錄影帶"May I watch video?" 當我很輕快地說"OK!"時,他們就會飛快地去拿一部影片,他們很開心,我也樂得很呢!看影片讓他們變得很安靜,我也就不必費力地管秩序。

    Auntie Lynn是廚房的煮飯媽媽,據姊姊說她的廚藝精湛,看得出來,每次看著她做著好吃的便當,看到羨慕她的孩子。這群吃點心的小鬼們也是好幸福,真是不懂得惜福,還在那挑食。有時候,Auntie Lynn會把剩下的食物給我,她總是要我幫她吃,其實我才覺得是我渴望她留給我吃呢!呵呵....住在外面才會了解媽媽的家鄉味是多麼令人想念。

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    the Fact Changes

    Since I read the editorial of the Brokeback Mountain,which mentioned some of the judges haven't even seen the movie that turned out to be awarded only three prizes,including Adapted screenplay,Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score),Achievement in directing but Best motion picture of the year won by Crash. The nations around the globe are thriving to get to the top place the Americans reached and it does show the promising way to the triumph they are on is closer. A period of years later,the developed countries get more,which meanwhile implies strong countries get more. Perhaps the mankind on this planet will be more wise and intelligent and there will be no counrty doing what they want just because they are big and powerful. The fact changes and the destiny of the mankind changes.

    Sunday, March 12, 2006

    Meet Boston with You

    Today may be a beautiful day for me. Since there is a beginning in Boston,there are people who make the story go on in Taiwan. Eva,Evonne,Kieran and I had a good time eating lunch in Little Star Restaurant and seeing horror movie today. Though I've broken up with Eva,but we conquered the embarrassment and had some talk luckily. I got to admit that the talk somehow brought me back to the good times when we're still together. Still miss you........
    Boston is no longer a place name for me but a part of my treasurable memory. The life experience which includes the joy,unhappiness,suspicion and hilarity among we Taiwanese students has been in a significant place in my mind. I hope you do,too. I really had a good time throwing and catching the football with you,Kieran,and having lunch,movie and nice talk with you three today. What a wonderful day it was!! I am so happy and may God bless you.