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  • Thursday, June 22, 2006

    Time to go home,cats!

    Nico皮皮Today,Vicky came back from USA and they went to pick Nico&皮皮 right after I got off my work. Vicky said she would not go to USA to study and study in Taiwan instead. So that means she is not going to put her cats at my place these years. I admit I've started to love the cats because they're so cute and funny. Cats are really lovely if you are willing to give it a try and adopt one. Sometimes we frightens because we are not sure what we will confront. Being confined to ourselves might be one part of the significant things of knowing and controling ourselves. They're really cute and tame, Vicky. You're sure to be a nice mother.

    Wednesday, June 21, 2006

    Life is fragile...and we have to be strong!

    On 2006.6.11,in the morning,Jana passed away because of a car accident. Jana is a really good teacher who works in Seeds School(種子美語). We did feel sorrow for the death. A Canadian who flew from so far away to Taiwan to make a living and post the salary back to Canada to pay the loan of the study. She worked hard and had only one drawback,a fatal drawback,drinking problem which led her hit the bus face to face when she was totally drunk. Life is really fragile, so we have to be strong.
    She is flying back to her hometown today. Maybe to someone who doesn't know her, it's only a story come by,but to all of her friends,it's a knife stabbed in our heart. Jana's boyfriend also drank and died on the road less than 6 months ago. Fatality made the end of their story. Bye-bye forever, Jana, go back to where you belong with all of our care about you. :( In fact, I don't want to say good-bye in this situation. so sad....

    Thursday, June 15, 2006


    今天好開心阿!!打完工後跟著同學去逛花園夜市!!畢業了,沒想到大家都還在,菲菲,均輔,妹妹,采伶,雅雯,幫主,阿容,當然還有圓圓。台晏回高雄,可惜不能參加!大家就這樣子邊聊天邊逛夜市。接著到黃金海岸看海談心,聊這四年的心得~~大家聊開了,聊到別的事,聊個別去玩的經驗。陳均輔最多話了,且生活就像是一齣喜戲,說不完好玩的經驗阿!!大家就這樣聊阿聊阿...幫主,要回彰化了,菲菲,要回台東,雅雯,回澎湖,均輔,妹妹和采伶會繼續待在台南,阿容則要去台中跟她的高中同學一起實習,雖然台灣真的很小很小,這般分離不像分隔干裡,但是我知道有些感情,並不能一直維持得像這一刻這樣,我們各自會有新的際遇,新的感動,新的想法,我們會繼續改變,10年後,20年後,這份感情會如何很難說,或許就變成"你是我的大學同學"這般簡單。希望不會這樣,因為你們,我親愛的教四乙班,真的真的,我很喜歡我們在一起的感覺。班會,上課,我都不會缺席,在未來的集會,我一樣不會缺席,因為實在不想讓我們的情誼變成簡單的大學同學關係。今晚,我們看著天空,從佈滿雲的夜穹,到星星滿佈,心裡的變化是越發不捨,大一入學,迎新露營,舞會,新生盃,大二的大一迎新,社團,大三各個充滿創意的報告呈現,和有吃又好玩的班聚,大四的集中實習,緊張、難忘的經驗,畢業旅行,畢業晚會(唉,我沒到),太多太多了.....大學真的好好玩,再多個幾年或許會更完美! = =" 下一戰,布魯樂谷,大家再聚聚啦!!^^ 耶!!

    Monday, June 05, 2006

    Pictures with Roomates in Robes

    What a strange day it was! Rain and sunshine took turns showing up when my roomates and I were having time taking pictures together in Pantheon of Cheng-Kung Jheng. It was really beautiful outside the pantheon. Green grass, old banyans, an old bridge and a pool made an extraordinary grounds. Things are always going in the way that we try to capture the times of joy especially when it has gone near the end. This was the first time to take pictures with my roomates in robes and of course the last time.
    A few days later and we are no longer students. Sometimes time really goes so fast that we hardly perceive it. Actually why I don't want to let go the feelings is the friendship and happy days I got here. Friendship is indeed worth cherishing.