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  • Thursday, July 27, 2006



    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    A cold war aroused a difficulty.

    It happened so fast and so secretly that I couldn't perceive it in no time. That's how the outbreak of the cold war burst. I woke up on Saturday and had only NT$100 last for my one-day expense. I walked out for my breakfast instead of asking XXX(圓圓) who was awake already to go with me. Happily coming back with my breakfast, I found the name of MSN Messenger of his has changed. He regretted that he moved out to live with Taiyen(臺晏) and me and had to pay more for the rent for the room where 3 people stayed together. He was also annoyed by the smell of the kittens, which forced me to pack the kittens and sent them back home immediately. I was frustrated to see the complaint go first by words rather than by talking with me first. Friends should talk and a cold war is really unnecessary. I had gone back home for release and now I am ready to confront the tricky question. He has been accustomed to dominating almost everything. And his being changeable in mood has made the roommates to condescend to make up a pleasant atmosphere.
    Last night, each roommates discussed to solve the tough problem. All of us wanted to be together nicely with everyone, so we had to get rid of some bad atmosphere that seemed pleasant apparently. Hard work will test our friendship. I am looking forward to a happy ending.

    Friday, July 14, 2006

    Things don't go smoothly.

    These days were really not for me. I accidentally didn't go to substitute the class on Monday, which made me immediately want to shout out to stop the time, stop the embarrassment. And I was irritated by the clerks serve at the counter the next day. Then the computer died yesterday night when I went home happily. Every thing seems wrong to me and I am the only victim of all the tragedies. My mood is low and especially it is the time when I am thinking of taking her or not. 7/22 shall be a busy day-GEPT test & Blue Lagoon Water Park, I hope it is going to be smooth then!

    Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    Someone in my heart...something in embryo

    Sometimes I fall, but the view seems more bright and wide to me after I get up. Though I has been afraid of breaking up, I get my strength when love comes to knock on my door. It's called affection, for the girl who is diligent, graceful, brilliant, nice and beautiful. I noticed her when we were teaching as practice teachers in Bo-ai(博愛)Elementary School. She was really working hard and careful for her teaching, which sparkled the beauty of a girl that attractd me. Later on, through MSN, I knew this beauty little by little and fell in kind of irresistible amusement. From cats, values, families, hobbies, leisure to reflection, the talk with her has always ended for bedtime. I did enjoy the talk. But I confused. After Eva left me, I found myself to be not good at being romantic and to be lazy for surprises that all girls love. I told myself, no more girls or there will be more broken hearts cause my dullness. Why can't I just stop the feeling and be a monk? I am nervous for the coming, but I don't want to stop the feeling. Maybe she is really the one for me and forever. How I long for you, Ko! I won't stop unless you stop. Eva, I am sorry. I uesd to loved you and used to wish to gather with you again. Since the girl, I will let bygones be gone. With those happiness and sadness, I move forward.

    Saturday, July 08, 2006



    Sunday, July 02, 2006

