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  • Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Farewell of Prof. Wu Chih-hsien 吳知賢老師再會了!

    Today might be the most impressive of this semester for both us and Prof. Wu. A farewell may show our admire for you since you are the most incredible teacher we have. Like how you emphasized yourself, humor, you're indeed very humor and, moreover, stuffed with lots of knowledge which seems to a new world we have never been until we met you. It's really fantasic to be your student and really sorry that the fantasitc life with you lasted just for 1 year.
    Maybe it's really hard to leave you and there is nothing we can do but give you a most impressive memory for your retire. Retire is attractive to all of us, especially when we are about to have no job in 2 years since the vacancy of teaching will no longer exist. Poor students in education system in Taiwan!
    Anyway! Thanks for your teaching us. I want to tell you that it is you who lead me to a media world with a different view, which is the ability that will be with me in my lifetime.

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