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  • Sunday, April 30, 2006


    唯一讓人不開心的是有位婦人問我們說她家附近有一些小狗,可不可以送來送養。其實我們也挺無奈的,我們已經有好多狗送不完了,而且今天帶來的狗兒都是受過許多檢查的,怎麼可以讓這個活動成為民眾解決家旁流浪狗的問題呢?只是不管如何,可憐到的是小狗,我們答應了,條件是活動結束後小狗若是沒送走,她要再把小狗帶回原地野放。她也答應了,只是待了一下後,趁我們忙亂中不見了。唉!可憐的小狗,三隻沒送走,我們義工們也根本沒有地方可以收,大家早就額滿了>< 因為這名婦女的自私(也或許她是忘了),害我們在結束後的暗夜裡替小狗的去處想辦法...

    Monday, April 24, 2006

    地獄新娘Corpse Bride

    click to homepageThe movie was on today!! It's Corpse Bride! It is a movie directed by Tim Burton who had made the special movie "The nightmare before Christmas" and astonished me when I was in 8th grade. The movie was about a man who had an engagement with his lover, but accidentally vowed his marriage with a dead girl. Then it went excitingly with how he managed the circumstance smoothly and tried not to hurt both girls' hearts. But the ending turned out to be a surprising one that he gave up to get back to earth to marry his fiancee but to stay with his wife in the hell. That's how brave and kind he is that made the corpse bride surrendered to her own selfishness and let her only one husband go back to marry his lover.
    The point stands on the braveness the actor had, which made him to let go the girl he loved the most that,therefore,triggered the miracle.

    Friday, April 21, 2006

    KFC-Talk with Taiyen

    Today was really a nice day because I went to eat KFC with my buddy,Taiyen. The exhilarating part was not just in the person I ate with, but the fast food that called me back to the times when I was in USA. Pepsi & fried chicken really brings me back to the deepest part of my desire wherever I am because the flavor of the meals they makes is totally the same.
    Another point of the dinner with Taiyen was the talk about friends between us in the four-year university life and our own childhoods. Life goes so fast that Taiyen & I both thought the day we went into the auditorium for freshman's starting school ceremony was just like it happened yesterday. Lots of lots memories full in our minds made the most beautiful masterpiece of the world. Sometimes life seems to be very easy when we compliment things we met and disregard the dark sides. Maybe I didn't observe it well so I felt it to be hard sometimes, but at least I'd learned humbleness to interact with people,educational skills and made friends. How precious those memories were!
    Then the talk turned to the times in our childhood. It astounded me that we had some memoryies in common. Have you ever evaded mother's notice and carried toys you just bought into the house secretly when you were young? We do. Thnks for Taiyen's time for talking with me. I appreciate your experince and advice to my interaction with some friends. Wish you a rosy life!

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    MiMi Affair

    What a surprise! Today is Auntie Lynn's birthday. I didn't know it until I was asked to have a piece of birthday cake when I stepped into Seeds. I went up stairs to ask for a piece and got a piece of special shape of cake. It's ball-shape and covered with sweet and pink candy outside with a bulge on its top, which made me curious about the original shape of the cake. Auntie Lynn told me the pink ball was a cap and turned to be like this by their cutting to share the cake. Actually, I thought it was shaped like a woman's breast but I was afraid of asking that.
    However,I got my doubt cleared after I went down and corrected the students' homework. Sarah said "I heard that the big mimi was eaten by someone",which hardly hit me on my funky heart. God!! It was really a half part of the breast and I was lied to eating it. Anyway...Happy Birthday,Lynn!!!^^

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006


    我是Nico我是皮皮Nico&皮皮~These two cute cats came to stay at my place on 3/31. They're Vicky's lovely cats and they'll be staying at my place for at least 6 months for the sake of Vicky's going to USA to study. They are cute and lovely. I think they are a little bit shy,but they come to find us sometimes. I just can't get them.

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

