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  • Friday, April 21, 2006

    KFC-Talk with Taiyen

    Today was really a nice day because I went to eat KFC with my buddy,Taiyen. The exhilarating part was not just in the person I ate with, but the fast food that called me back to the times when I was in USA. Pepsi & fried chicken really brings me back to the deepest part of my desire wherever I am because the flavor of the meals they makes is totally the same.
    Another point of the dinner with Taiyen was the talk about friends between us in the four-year university life and our own childhoods. Life goes so fast that Taiyen & I both thought the day we went into the auditorium for freshman's starting school ceremony was just like it happened yesterday. Lots of lots memories full in our minds made the most beautiful masterpiece of the world. Sometimes life seems to be very easy when we compliment things we met and disregard the dark sides. Maybe I didn't observe it well so I felt it to be hard sometimes, but at least I'd learned humbleness to interact with people,educational skills and made friends. How precious those memories were!
    Then the talk turned to the times in our childhood. It astounded me that we had some memoryies in common. Have you ever evaded mother's notice and carried toys you just bought into the house secretly when you were young? We do. Thnks for Taiyen's time for talking with me. I appreciate your experince and advice to my interaction with some friends. Wish you a rosy life!

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