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  • Saturday, October 14, 2006

    Happy Birthday! 圓圓&小黃

    Just now we had a happy celebration for XXX(圓圓) and Jungle(小黃).
    Indeed, wish you have your dream jobs and happy life.
    XXX was too brilliant that he knew the surprise before it was given out.
    But we knew he was still happy we really made an effort preparing it.
    So did Jungle, the one who was surprised of the second birthday cake.

    You two are my good boddies.
    It's been more than 4 years since we met.
    The relationship keeps been heaten up and up.
    Though sometimes we experience the low tides, it is we that pass them through together.
    We are going to live together for less than 1 year.
    Cherish the happiness we have.

    I really love the feeling of hanging out with boddies.

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