Surprise!!! Super One!
Just now, I had my second-time surprising birthday party.
Before this, I felt strange about something weird happening
, but didn't notice the upcoming surprise.
"Is it for me??"
When I saw the candle on the hamburger with all my friends singing happy birthday song
, I was really astonished about the situation.
Thank you all!!
I appreciated your giving indeed because it's so surprising.
That was my first birthday party, a party I knew beforehand.
It's the one from which I learned my lesson.
I didn't realize the importance of the birthday that everyone emphasized
untill I was involved in the plan to celebrate my and others' birthday.
How big the cake is, how delicious it is, even how you plan to surprise are not the factor that makes birthday a birthday.
It is the feeling of getting all the focus from everyone that makes the birthday amazing.
Though I was once in despair, you still made all your effort just for compensating me
, which made me feel really alive, excited and touched.
It's so good to have good friends as company like you guys.
And I hope on the way in my life, you can always be with me.
And I will always be there for you as you are there for me.
I am still in the time when you all sang the song to me.
Anyway, thank you a lot.
This time, you really seccesfully surprised me.
Thank you!!
小黃,臺晏,圓圓,沛原,小草,唯誠,政斌,一隻楊,羊的女友,小白,鋮鋮,阿古,小一一,耕生,孟儒,小萍,郁穎,千珊,美君,謝謝你們!! 對了~還有逢逢~
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