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  • Sunday, August 23, 2009

    My American School Students

    I could hardly know how it feels to have beginner students in AS till
    I began the class starting from zero on 8/3 right after summer break.
    Being inexperienced in teaching beginners, I kept asking and taking notes.

    They are three naive and cute kids.
    Two girls and one boy.
    Their English is on my hand, I told myself at my first sight of them.
    I've got to teach them right English. Namely they can speak like native speakers
    while read articles out of any question.

    Fortunately, I don't fight alone.
    Sarah also teaches them as a model for me.
    I have no reason to be afraid but I have to emphasize
    the priority in learning process that leads them
    to learn steadily and efficiently.
    That is what I ought to master now.

    It's been 3 weeks.
    They are so cute that I came up an idea to have my own child for the first time.
    And if I can choose, I want a girl.
    Girls are cuter according to my feeling.
    They are really amazing that I am kind of fond of teaching them.
    And what bothers me is the way to MAKE them absorb the knowledge.
    I am still figuring it out!!


    egg said...


    沛沛 said...


    FinePhantom said...
