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  • Monday, January 25, 2010



    第一次到苗栗是2007當兵前的環島,當時接待我與謝沛兩人的,是在這教書的小逼。當時覺得苗栗...好純樸! 接著是2009新年的夢想之旅,我們到了苗栗的南庄、大湖等地。那時覺得苗栗好美,好懷舊,空氣溼溼涼涼,山巒嵐煙陣陣。然後,就是這次了,也許是夢想之旅狐狸沒參加,老天給了他一個大懲罰,讓他志願落在此地。好好體驗個2~3年(據說要能調職最少要2年後才能開始)。

    星期六,我們起了個大早感受苗栗客家風味早點。聽客家話對談真過癮,好像在國外,像是自已被嘲笑被數落還不曉得,然後看著對方說謝謝!! 多異國阿!! 接著,似乎苗栗市沒什麼好逛,當地人要我們往南前往汶水,大湖,一路騎車玩耍,再一路回到苗栗市。不曉得怎麼回事,離家越遠,就越感覺心情愉悅,壓力越小,可以亂講話,亂搞笑,一切隨性...又特別在這苗栗,三個南部大男人,在這原以為不會輕易踏上的北部山村,恣意遊歷。

    最後,雖然我很不捨,但這地點是命運的安排,有它一定的道理,也許就會讓狐狸遇到夢想中的馬尾大世界。一切都不一定呢!! 祝福囉!! 下回再來時,也許我就得睡廁所了!

    Sunday, January 10, 2010


    透過串連,可以幫助這些狗兒!! 大家加油!

    Sunday, January 03, 2010

    A Weekend A Different Life

    My life is divided into two, weekday and weekend.

    For me, weekend is like a fantasy toward where life actually is.
    I love weekends though I know there are only two days
    and that's quite enough for me to get back to work.

    This time, the three-day holiday almost breaks my rule.
    I was hardly able to get back to work
    because I love my fantasy, my friends to death.
    Here is where we said goodbye to last year. Getting soaked to let go bygones.
    A real fabulous lounge bar, 黑樓The Black Building.
    Thank 小黃SSjungle for the dishes. We enjoyed more there.Bye, 2009. The year in which I worked a year, I started to know stock market
    , I went through the life and death of my friends' and even my family's.
    I learned a lot. No matter which aspect it is, I accumulated knowledge. I grew!
    And the most important thing is on the final day of the year, one out of maybe 60 times in a lifetime, I was with you guys, counting down together, experiencing true friendship.

    Recently, I've been thinking a way to combine this two lives together.
    Another breakthrough for myself and even my friends.
    A life style to live and work together.