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  • Sunday, January 03, 2010

    A Weekend A Different Life

    My life is divided into two, weekday and weekend.

    For me, weekend is like a fantasy toward where life actually is.
    I love weekends though I know there are only two days
    and that's quite enough for me to get back to work.

    This time, the three-day holiday almost breaks my rule.
    I was hardly able to get back to work
    because I love my fantasy, my friends to death.
    Here is where we said goodbye to last year. Getting soaked to let go bygones.
    A real fabulous lounge bar, 黑樓The Black Building.
    Thank 小黃SSjungle for the dishes. We enjoyed more there.Bye, 2009. The year in which I worked a year, I started to know stock market
    , I went through the life and death of my friends' and even my family's.
    I learned a lot. No matter which aspect it is, I accumulated knowledge. I grew!
    And the most important thing is on the final day of the year, one out of maybe 60 times in a lifetime, I was with you guys, counting down together, experiencing true friendship.

    Recently, I've been thinking a way to combine this two lives together.
    Another breakthrough for myself and even my friends.
    A life style to live and work together.

    1 comment:

    悄悄話 said...
