<高雄。左營> 輕幾許沙拉輕食館 北高雄沙拉食記

Stories about me... Welcome to my life, enjoy it hard!
Alejandro Sanz,西班牙歌神,1991年出道至今,拿了15屆的拉丁葛萊美獎和2屆的葛萊美獎!!
這是他寫的一首歌,並與Alicia Keys合唱!! 讓我們一起尋找我們的樂園吧!!
These months, I didn't show up but still kept on learning. Sometimes I regret that I didn't notice what I don't know as in college. Getting older and eager to succeed make all the knowledge I lack in need. I read and read, for patching the holes of my capability - financial IQ, real estate, health control and social relationship.
11:23 AM
標籤Label: 分享 to share, 工作 career
11:05 PM
標籤Label: 朋友 dear friends
My life is divided into two, weekday and weekend.
10:52 PM
1 意見
標籤Label: 朋友 dear friends
在二個月前,經過日期表決,喬定,行程規畫,交通問題解決,看出大夥對這部車的向心力!! 超級感動! (一隻羊在出發前夕被公司調回,可惜!><)感謝沛一開始的地點提議,讓我不必絞盡腦汁地想地點,然後是大夥的熱情加入,讓這回小琉球人數直逼上回澎湖的人數,超多人的!而雙園大橋斷了後,交通的接洽也超級感謝謝爸劉媽的鼎力相助,加上星期五夜晚的住宿,讓大夥隔日可以少了一段路程,多了一點活力。
這回籌畫小琉球之旅可說是一點麻煩都沒有,只能說小琉球的觀光做的十分成功,我只需訂下民宿套裝行程,一切煩人的船票、機車、導覽等根本不是問題。也因為琉球太小了,(其實我本回活動的目的就是想賭德州撲克加玩桌遊)我根本沒去調查有哪兒好吃的、好玩的,呵呵!! 好吃的,要謝謝圓圓的課前細心找尋,帶大夥去吃。不過可惜我們二度與餃神擦身而過,最痛心疾首的莫過於狐狸小妹了!!(你一定是沒吃過好吃的水餃<--這回你真錯過了!) 而好玩的,要感謝大家啥都可以的快樂的心! 在島上閒晃時,該到哪些必遊景點我還真是沒研究過 ^^" ,但是大家就是,不管在哪...只要有團康、食物、球類、小黃,就能活下去的什麼都好型,超好搞定。真的~三大付費景點我們就付了100元的「過路費」,就這樣一直給它路過!! 然後一看到水就可以玩個痛痛快快,根本不管什麼黑鬼美人的洞,還是山豬的溝溝到底有沒有到過... 說真的,真的很喜歡大家這種隨遇而安,到哪都能high的個性!!
這回的晚間重頭戲(其實我真的每次出來都最期待晚上活動),有點慢才開始...吃晚餐加上洗澡耗掉了一些我意料外的時間,害我那時心有點急,感覺好浪費時間阿!! 不過也因為我們總是沒能夠有時間好好玩個過癮,所以總會讓遺憾化成下回活動的期待!!! 而這回幫珊珊的慶生,也是波折不斷,蛋糕的秘密運送和卡片的驚喜布置和沒演練過就很逼真的關燈破梗,都是超級珍貴的回憶,這也算是重頭戲之一。最後,這回小琉球也在回台前一刻埋下伏筆,就是「傍晚時在花瓶石海域與綠蠵龜共游」天阿!!!! 我超想去的!!為什麼老闆這時候才說,不然我們就不必明年再去一趟了!! 好啦,下回的主辦人不要怕活動重複,我們可以再去一次。
這回的情定小琉球,大家的熱情再次證明了友情的偉大,我想,與大夥的嘻笑打鬧已經變成我所愛的生活的一部分,也是十分珍惜的一部分!! 下回,晡晡車又要開往哪去呢? 真是期待!!
10:24 PM
標籤Label: 朋友 dear friends, 美景 旅行 tour, 酷心情 damn cool
Growing up means taking more and more reluctant responsibility.
12:36 AM
標籤Label: 分享 to share, 勵我 boost, 家人 family
I could hardly know how it feels to have beginner students in AS till
I began the class starting from zero on 8/3 right after summer break.
Being inexperienced in teaching beginners, I kept asking and taking notes.
They are three naive and cute kids.
Two girls and one boy.
Their English is on my hand, I told myself at my first sight of them.
I've got to teach them right English. Namely they can speak like native speakers
while read articles out of any question.
Fortunately, I don't fight alone.
Sarah also teaches them as a model for me.
I have no reason to be afraid but I have to emphasize
the priority in learning process that leads them
to learn steadily and efficiently.
That is what I ought to master now.
It's been 3 weeks.
They are so cute that I came up an idea to have my own child for the first time.
And if I can choose, I want a girl.
Girls are cuter according to my feeling.
They are really amazing that I am kind of fond of teaching them.
And what bothers me is the way to MAKE them absorb the knowledge.
I am still figuring it out!!
Almost 1 year has it been since I taught English.
I think I grew up in some ways.
The environment is indeed the most significant factor
that leads a child to master English in a stable pace.
The earlier you parents push your children into it
, the earlier they get to soak in the atmosphere.
Once you get accustomed to the pressure, you feel no pressure at all.
Little by little, I was convinced of the push-your-child-in-the-earlier-the-better thing.
That's true!
There is a large gap between a child who starts at 7 and the other as a teen.
Children who started early can read and use English by 2 years while the others can't even read KK phonetic symbols and are about to go to junior high.
And grammar knowledge is limited if you can start earlier to learn it.
If you know it well and you'll find out
that there are just a few different modifiers or parts of speech you need to recognize
, such as infinitives, prepositional phrases and clauses
which I look upon as words in odd clothes.
Once the kids master grammar and English, they are able to read profound editorials written by famous columnists from New York Times, Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and so forth while sitting next to high school students.
How breathtaking it is!
The focusing on steps of teaching plan stage has gone on to the making students understand stage, which I considered a new milestone to my teaching career.
However, I have got to admit that the following phase is harsher.
Trying every suitable treatment to improve the whole class is never effortless
because it's not a sooner-or-later stuff like accustoming procedures of teaching
but a journey that you search for cure to change students' studying habits.
The new semester is around the corner.
I am going to teach new classes of totally fledgling kids.
I am afraid if I am ready for the challenge though I knew it to be necessary.
To bring a child from none to mastering English, I am about to be tested.
Hope everything goes just fine.