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  • Sunday, March 25, 2007

    It doesn't Count to Say You Love Them Only

    This morning I got a mission right after I woke up.
    It is from the Black Zoo.
    I had to help my friends to move the cats out.
    The poor cats were kept in an old man's house.
    I would rather say it a hell than a house.
    It's a hell for the cats.
    Three cats living in a small cage
    ,a cute cat with its mouth bleeding
    and a scared cat lying on its own poo
    are horrible sights you don't dare to see again.

    Especially, the smell in the house is gross
    that made me want to choke myself instead of having a breath.
    How can the couple live in there?!
    I can't believe it.
    What I care most are the cats
    because they don't choose to live there.
    I can even see innocent eyes with tears shining to mine.
    It's like their telling me to let them free.

    Do you really think you love them?
    Do you really think they're all you have last?
    Maybe you do, but the kitten don't.
    They deserve better care.
    Do you want to live in a small and stinky house
    with your friends chockablock for the entire life?
    Have you ever thought of them on their sight?

    After we got almost the cats out the hell
    , I leave for home like escaping from a nightmare.
    Seeing cats being prisoned badly made me upset.
    I hope this kind of selfish behavior can become less and less.

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