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  • Sunday, December 04, 2005

    Finally,the end comes.....it's over!

    該來的....還是來了,彼此都沒心吧,不然怎能說放就放?一千萬個理由比不上一句不喜歡,原來,短短5分鐘之隔的兩校,也可以有這般遠的距離...一切的回憶回到原點,Boston...我們還是忘記了吧,甚至把那份溫暖,那份感覺遺留在那,忘在熟悉的Square1 Mall,放在Harvard Square......,或是Downtown Crossing外的街上...通往Square1 Mall的Route1, 很長很長,陪著你走的雙腳卻不這麼覺得,牛奶好重好重,拿著它的手卻不那樣認為。宮廷式的中國餐廳似乎近在眼前,呼嚣而過的車聲亦十分刺耳,夢中出現的情景一再的上演,牽著你手的溫度卻慢慢降溫,抓不回...任何一絲絲快樂...

    Thursday, December 01, 2005

    at a loss........

    What a pity that after the busiest days of composing lesson plans comes the easiest days I longed for a lot and I have no idea what to do. I lost a goal to chase for even a world to dream of. That's really called pity. 6 days passed or maybe I can say about 1 month passed, I never get any of your sound. I am sure now I'm not good at handling this kind of affection. So sad.......... It is sure to be more strong when I am out of pressure.

    Thursday, November 24, 2005



    Sunday, November 13, 2005



    Saturday, November 12, 2005




    The real pressure finally comes. It 's not everywhere but inside my body in every moment. I handle the teaching in elementary school, midterm paper, family, movie making and love affection. And I found it definately hard to handle well in one time. Pressure is going to devour my life when everything is gone with your carelessness. I don't know what my goal is and what I am chasing for.

    Sunday, November 06, 2005

    Damn!! My mood was exposed to the god damn oil!!!!


    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    I still want to be with U.

    U're still the one I don't want to let go of. I can't jump out of the trap you set. My mind is full of u and my every thinking is stuck by u. I taste the feeling of being taken out the air of my breath and pressed of my throat. It is really a dilemma for me to make up my mind to go on with u or not. It is like a romance that we can only be together in each other's mind or even in my mind only. I think I've gone through the days of being lost in the world of having u not. How I hope it never happen,but that would make the trip to USA a nonexistent one.
    Help me,almighty God! I am suffering from the dilemma that I don't want to lose any of them.

    Thursday, November 03, 2005

    November 3rd = A Big Misery?


    Friday, October 21, 2005

    Is it really a turn for Dad?

    Dad was home today.Originally,I thought it would take a long time for dad's staying in the hospital.

    Sunday, October 16, 2005



    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    A turn for my family!


    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    C Ray's family owns a new store.

    C Ray as a chef

    A bowl of beef noodle truely empressed me.

    This one was also good. Sweet rare beef! Oh! Thanks God I found you!!!><

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005

    Problems occurs from ignorance!


    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    Pity Dogs......V.S....Cruel humans.....


    Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Farewell of Prof. Wu Chih-hsien 吳知賢老師再會了!

    Today might be the most impressive of this semester for both us and Prof. Wu. A farewell may show our admire for you since you are the most incredible teacher we have. Like how you emphasized yourself, humor, you're indeed very humor and, moreover, stuffed with lots of knowledge which seems to a new world we have never been until we met you. It's really fantasic to be your student and really sorry that the fantasitc life with you lasted just for 1 year.
    Maybe it's really hard to leave you and there is nothing we can do but give you a most impressive memory for your retire. Retire is attractive to all of us, especially when we are about to have no job in 2 years since the vacancy of teaching will no longer exist. Poor students in education system in Taiwan!
    Anyway! Thanks for your teaching us. I want to tell you that it is you who lead me to a media world with a different view, which is the ability that will be with me in my lifetime.

    Friday, May 27, 2005

    A joke or a practical joke?

    a joke or a practical joke? It's the thing you can choose for your amusing others.

    Thursday, May 26, 2005

    Life is so incredible!


    Monday, May 16, 2005

    My 1st Time Hanging around Taipei City

    It happened that I got a chance to visit Taipei since I had to attend a CIEE meeting and apply for a Visa at AIT the other day. Thus I made a decision of absence all the class on Monday, and as I expected that I got my Visa.
    Taipei is really a big city. Though I didn't visited it all, I had a glimpse of this modern and historic city. The Office of the President, Museum, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, huge Nova, 101 Taipei Financial Center, National Taiwan University,etc are places and buildings I have been to and seen. It's a different feeling and view how I see Taipei before that it is really excellent and fasinating.

    National Taiwan University

    Library of NTU
    It's tiring to take such a long-time bus. Only when I am sitting in the car toward a distant place in Taiwan do I feel Taiwan to be a "BIG" island.

    Sunday, May 08, 2005

    5/8~~Happy Mother's Day!!!^^

    Happy Mother's Daye............I have a lot of sorrow for my going to USA,Mom! I know we are still in debt....and you paid the the whole expence of my trip which Dad didn't do at all. Thank you!!! I am sure I really want to go. It will be a very significant experince for me in my lifetime. I am sorry to let you sustain the hardship. I love you,Mom!!!!^^ And grandma, I love you, too!! Happy Mother's Day!! The anguish is what we can change as the environment goes worse. Remember we are the one and I will always be there for you!

    Love son

    Saturday, May 07, 2005

    Good Job,My Boddies!! ^^




    Tuesday, May 03, 2005

    A Loss after Success...

    Today during the class"the principles and practices of communication in school administration(學校行政的溝通原理與實務)", when the teacher said a grown-up child often becomes more independent and have less relationship of child and parents, I felt a little indescribably sorry as Kxv(臺晏) told me. There must be lots of feelings like that when we have accomplished something. A feeling of loss and success will leads to a climax and comes out the loneliness.

    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    瑞里螢火蟲之夜!! Starts of Fireflies~

    On 4/30~5/1, we went to Ruili scenic area to see fireflies.
    You will never know that there could be another star world near us, which is a world around us as the twinkling light of the fireflies ablazed in the very dark dark night. It is really a special memory that I will never forget.




  • 阿里山國家風景區-瑞里
    Alishan National Scenic Area-Ruili

  • 兩個心得:

    Saturday, April 30, 2005

    A poor cat awakens a poor tragedy!

    Last night, on the way to the finance-control class, I met a cat hit by a car lying in the middle of the road. It's a black cute cat, but it seemed that it can't move its back legs both. Fortunately, a good guy came and took it to a safer place beside the road. I was in such a rush for the class and I told myself I will took it to the hospital if it was still at the same place after my class dismiss. In the end, I couldn't find it. A critical feeling knocked me on my head saying that I've already missed something. Maybe the poor cat was dead or recovered in a few minutes and walk away or anything except an assurance of its being safe and sound.

    Friday, April 29, 2005

    The Future is Going To Be Shining next 6F-3'door

    The renting my new house has finally been done. If it goes right as we thought before, 圓圓(XXX),臺晏(Kxv)and I are going to share one room in -4. XXX......I'm sorry for you that it turned out to let us to force you to live with Kxv and me.
    The host of the house is really kind of mean that we only bargain 5000NTD a month for an apartment with 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 living room, excluding an air conditioner he originally promised, which made us a little upset.


    Thursday, April 28, 2005

    A mission finally done!

    The prepare work was finally done until today. Booking a fight, sending 900+35 USD, filled in the application sheet and so on could be a stressful job for me to take before my real hard job in Boston 2 months later. Dad is really my Dad that I feel much supporting power which stemmed from him has made me conquer lots of blocks bothering me. I almost cried when you told me that I don't have to worry about anything and you will take care of everything. Thank you!!!! I love you!!!(I am so shy that I dare say it here.)
    The task of renting my room has ultimately come to an excellent end. The host invited us to the agent's place for a further contract. Tomorrow is the day. I really hope that we can have a nice price and more furniture and mostly, have our rent start in June. God bless us!!!

    Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    No one has right to look down on anyone!



    Saturday, April 23, 2005

    Happy Birthday to justchild~沛原!!

    Today is 沛原's birthday, as his friends , we went to Holiday KTV for celebration. There were so many people coming there,which mean that he's really very popular. Actually, that's exactly match what I've thought, a seccessful man having good relationship with everyone he known.
    It's a lot of fun there, 14 people, including some 沛原's friends I didn't know, singing happyly and loudly that almost took my sound.

    Monday, April 18, 2005

    Ultimately Seems to Be An End and A New start!

    Some say that after breaking up with someone is definitely going to turn a new leaf. That's exactly how I felt today and so did my ex-girlfriend.
    It's really an end of a sweet and harsh time and a start of a new life. Maybe sometimes we just have to have a new look into ourselves.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2005


    The midterm is around the corner.
    Lots of papers are waiting for my terminatng them.
    And I have to join the training before I take the job.

    Friday, April 01, 2005

    Now I eventually know!!

    Not until today do I know how Blogger works.
    It is really a great and playful stuff for me.
    Thanks for the ones who created this.^-^
    You're all angels!

    Tuesday, March 29, 2005


    A job in the US has finally been found by my continual effort! Thanks God!