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  • Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    5th Grade Class 1

    Today I was distributed to 5th grade class 1. I am going to be with the students in 5-1 for the coming year. I don't know what I will confront, but I know I will grow up form it. It may be the hardship that push me to learn more about the thought of children, which sharps my technique of teaching. My teacher is 蔡淑菁, an expert teacher, who is nice to her students. For my first sight of her, she is good and respectful.
    On the way to the new classroom, my heart was beating heavily as the children's. They were rearranged to their new class and I was just arranged to their class less than 1 hour earlier. We were on the way to different futures stemming from the same factor. Thinking of this, I walked closer to them. I think we were on the same boat, we were going to learn something.
    Destiny...It was our fate to be students of teacher's college. We went to eat Cantonese meal on 長榮路 which was introduced by Paul who came to eat with us later. Destiny forced us to have no job guarantee. This big problem was what we talked. Never mind, we've known it for a long time. We were just complaining again though.

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